What's my style? How do I decorate my home? Well, I like mixin and matching old and new. I like simple things, modern but not too modern. And the colors... I like white as you might have noticed, earthy tones but also bright and bold colors.
I'm a flea-market junkie. I love to search for bargains that I can transform into something wonderful for my home. I like scraping and painting, to give a new life and maybe a new use to something old.

Here is a picture of my latest flea-market finds. Two half litre beer glasses from the 70s, designed by Oiva Toikka. I don't even drink beer, but hey, that doesn't stop me from searching and buying these! I'm not a coffee drinker either, as you might have read from my earlier posts, but still you can see in the picture a coffee machine. Isn't she a beauty!
I remember the glasses from my childhood in the 70s! Somebody had those at home, but I can't remember who. I know we didn't, but they're very familiar.
I've spent my weekend cleaning closets for the flea market, so I'm doing just the opposite! We have a table booked at a self service flea market for the next 3 weeks, and I'm hoping to get rid of some extra stuff from my closets.
And of course, the headline question: I like modern with a twist of fun. White, gray and green. Steel and felt. Mix of cool and warm, hard and soft, stylish and fun, round shapes and sharp corners, gloss and matt. Yet hopefully in balance.
But then again, you already knew.
Woot!! You are getting rid of things. What kind of things?? Sorry, have to ask ;)
Mainly books, old clothes and some home textiles, puzzles, and some odd crap... Nothing interesting.
No treasures? OK, I believe you.
BTW, if I remember right those beer glasses were also used in pubs in the 70s.
Would I give up treasures? No way.
And I wasn't in pub-age in the 70s, I'm not THAT old. Only in the 80s...
Oh no, Sitruuna! I didn't mean to put it that way...
It just came into my mind ;)
Kirppisaddikti minäkin.
Vaatteita en oikeestaan ikinä ole ostanut. Enemmänkin fiilistelen, kiertelen, kummastelen ja toivon löytäväni aarteita.
Mmmmitä! Onko noi olutlasit Oiva Toikkaa? Muistan juoneeni tuollaisesta vettä teininä 90-luvulla ja hymyilleeni suurelle, painavalle ja epämuodikkaalle lasille. Olen ymmärtänyt isäni puheista, että näitä laseja olisi baareissa ollut 70-80 -luvuilla. En tiedä kun en ole silloin pahemmin baareissa juossut...
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