So, what should I write... I have many things to write about but I think I will start with this one...
My brother just called me (the one with the jinxed kitchen) and wanted me to convince him, that the chairs he has ordered are OK and will look good in his apartment. Around his white, round dining table. He is having second thoughts now... I think they will look good! Or, what say you?? Do you like?

More about the chair from Vitra.
Those chairs are somehow jinxed, as well. I couldn't imagine them in my own home, and by themselves I don't think of them as too pretty, but then once in a while I see them in the right surroundings, with a matching table and perfect interior, and they look stunning.
I'd love to see these around your brother's dining table. I bet it proves what I just said. :c)
It's true that these chairs need the right surroundings to look good.
Few more weeks and then we'll see do they look awful or stunnig ;)
Nuo tuolit kuuluvat siihen modernien huonekalujen ryhmään mitä en lakkaa ihastelemasta. Aivan ihania ja jos joskus rikastun ja asun asunnossa minne nuo sopivat ostan ainakin yhden pöydän päähän. Siitä tulisi valtaistuimeni.
Vaikka tuoleista pidänkin,tuo on ainoita designklassikoita joista en pidä.
Koeistuin tuollaisen kerran ja ahdisti kun jalat ei päässyt vapaasti heilumaan :D
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